Commonground Baptist Institute

Financial Information.


Book and study guide costs are INCLUDED in the course cost. The cost for all undergraduate courses is either $75, $90, or $120, depending on whether a
student qualifies for work study and preorders. There are a very few courses that require an extra book fee to cover expensive books. All students will
be required to pay the course fee upon registration in the course.

Husband and Wife Discount

A married couple that takes courses together can get up to a 50% discount on the wife’s course cost. Please contact the school for details.

Application Fee
Graduation Fee
Course Change (Add/Drop)
Private Music Lessons
Transcript Fee
Lifelong Learning Unit Fee
Undergraduate Course Fee
Undergraduate Course Fee with Work Study
Undergraduate Course Fee with Work Study and preorder
Re-enrollment Fee

All and any applicable fees should be made payable to SEBBC.

Payment Plan

Students may register for as little as one course at a time, but must make payment at the time of registration. Therefore, no payment plan is available.

Work Study Program

CBI believes that a student will grow and learn the most from course work if they are actively serving in their local church. Therefore, each student may
apply for the work study program. Active service for your church under the guidance of your pastor reduces the cost of a course by 25%.

Preorder Savings

Those students who preorder a year’s worth of courses (at least 10) at one time, pay only $75 per course (This amount already includes the Work Study Discount). These courses must be completed within 18 months to avoid re-enrollment fees.


A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available for national missionaries and pastors serving in small churches. These are funded by the
giving of supporting churches. For more information, please contact the school.


CBI is an affordable, low cost ministry. Therefore there are absolutely NO refunds for withdrawing from a course. Withdrawing merely affects GPA.