Enrollment Information.
SECA has opened enrollment for the upcoming school year. Enroll Now
A successful Christian school ministry demands the respect and support of the parents involved. Of all the things the school staff needs, they need this high level of support from the parents most of all. Any parent who is not in harmony with the doctrine, standards, or policies of the school is asked not to enroll his child.
Any parent who does wish to enroll a child in the school should apply to the school before the school year begins. A parent of a prospective student must fill out an application and enrollment form and if necessary, have his child undergo diagnostic testing. The staff of the school may also interview prospective students to determine the student’s academic ability.
Furthermore, if any transcripts are available from another school, then these must be forwarded to the school BEFORE an application can be properly considered. It is also important that all the necessary health and immunization records be forwarded to the school. Parents of prospective kindergartners should be especially aware of the need for obtaining immunization records. While the school needs these records for all students, students enrolling into kindergarten usually do not have any transcripts that may contain such information.
When a parent has completed the application form and has collected any other pertinent documents for the purposes of the school’s consideration, they must be turned into the school along with the registration fee. The completion of the application process does not guarantee acceptance into the school. After the information gathered from this application process has been carefully reviewed, parents will be informed if their application was accepted or not. If a child is not accepted for enrollment, half of the registration fee will be refunded.
Attendance at Southeast Christian Academy is a privilege and not a right. Any student who does not conform to the doctrine, standards of conduct, standards of academics, or the spirit of the school may be asked to withdraw. The Southeast Christian Academy isn’t a reformatory. It is the school’s philosophy “to teach the teachable and reach the reachable.” The school is designed to help students and parents who want to do right with their lives.